The Shinawatra University, School of Technology is a private institute in Pathumthani, Thailand that is an innovative school for educating, researching and training, provide human resource for the world IT economy.
The School of Technology at Shinawatra University provides professional programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. There are two programs : Computer Science (CS), and Management Technology (MT) programs.
The CS program is designed with an aim to provide strong foundation for computing, software development and communication systems, in conjunction with state-of-the-art methods and techniques for development of information-technology-based business solutions and management of computer networks.
Management Technology is an integrated understanding of economics, environment, information system, science and engineering . The Management Technology program is designed to produce high-quality graduates equipped with such an interdisplinary subject and capable of managing advanced technologies emerging dynamically in various industrial and commercial fields. The graduates will have abilities to analyse and design systems which integrate technical, economical, environmental and social aspects for all kinds of transactions and activities.
Board members (2007) are: